Thursday, July 24, 2008

Enlist, Serve, Learn.

No I'm not talking about the Canadian Army. I'm talking about the All-Girl Army.
This is amazing. Finally a chance for young women from 10-23 of all shapes, sizes colours, and types to express themselves with some sort of authority. I find it important that young people are given a voice, especially when they're the age group that gets labeled the most.

I especially enjoyed reading a post by Irmelin called Se(x)education. It tells about how sex-ed was taught to her, and how Scarleteen (a BIG favourite of mine) showed her how it should have been. Her story is quite moving, if I may be a little bit cliché.

Here's some news; I've sent in an application to be in the AGA. It's really exciting for me! Hopefully I'll get chosen. I LOVE this project.

And interestingly enough, it's influencing me to write more.
Great, eh?


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