Tuesday, August 26, 2008

TwiBashing and TwiHarding? Oh dear god...

Okay, people.
It's time for me, Brianne, to tackle probably the most buzzingest novel series in the world right now, my chickies.


What shall I do? Rant about it aimlessly?
No! Because that would be insulting the opinions of those who think that the series has something to it.

Shall I defend it without backup?
No! Because that would be just plain wrong, and I'd still be not making a point.

I will, in fact, try to list the good, bad, and ugly about this series.
And if I have time, the people who TwiBash or TwiHard it.
Now on to the list!

I'm going to start by saying that the purpose of a book isn't always necessarily to educate the reader and be completely innovative. This is an argument on the the book is shit and Stephanie does not know how to write if her life depended on it point. Obviously this book is poorly written. And it also has a story line that so many people despise greatly. But the last time I checked, waving the red flag in front of the bull makes it angrier. Honestly, if I didn't like a book (unless it was content that was blatantly offensive and was worth a great protest) I would just put it down because I don't like reading things that I don't like.

Then there's the whole zOMG Bella has no life! Look at her! She's given up everything for just one guy and that's totally abuse. Yep. It's abuse if he's hurting her physically and mentally or brainwashing her into doing things. But we must remember that no matter what, this is still a book and it's impossible to twist the words of a book once they're "immortalized" (for lack of a better word). Edward, honestly, is not the kind of guy I'd like. He's controlling. You can actually see that quite a bit in him that he wants to have Bella on a leash so he doesn't lose her. But Bella actually makes the choice to stay in the vampire world, and that's something she did, not him.

Now I come to the wonderful part of my post where I say: Jesus Christ! I don't like the way Stephanie Meyer writes. Because it's true. She takes way too long to make a point and a lot of her writing is really drawn out, making the series WAY too big for me to fit in my backpack--something I find of convenience, with me being a high school student and all.

Space issues and all other issues aside, this is a book. And no, I'm not saying this because I'm hetero or because I'm a fangirl (because I'm not one at all) or even because I'm a teenage girl. Because saying that all of those characteristics make me unsuitable for the job of writing about Twilight would be desrciminating against my sexual orientation, sexist, and ageist rolled into one. Books, as I said, are not always for the purpose of enlightenment or even for being completely revolutionary. Just remember; if you're looking for an absolutely spectacular book just don't read the Twilight series.


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