Hey, hey, hey!
GUESS WHAT? Yesterday there was a fire at the back of my school (technical issues with a big, scary-looking machine). We all got evacuated to St. Benedict Church and stayed there until they got the fire out. And then we had to go inside to get our crap and leave. Due to the large amount of smoke in the building, we got to stay home for today!
On top of that yesterday, I made 4 new friends. Kayla, Kyle, Kathy, and Helen. Okay, so they're from the internet. So there's a possibility that they're all 40-year-old unemployed fat guys. But there's also a possibility that they're not.
MORE GREAT STUFF: My listing on bust.com was approved!!! I'm excited. This may create more traffic for the blog. And we all know: traffic+blog(number of people on bust)=GOOD.
So I'm gonna go off to Lawlolawl now.
Bye guys. ;D
Friday, February 6, 2009
Posted by
4:49 PM
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
This is annoying. Very annoying.
I started out having a wonderful day today. It was cold, but I was in a good mood at the thought that I was going to have my very first "real" gym class of the semester. And someone else I know was extremely happy so I got even happier. And then everything was great until I went to Wendy's after school with Carrie and Jorge.*
Jorge: So...is Andrew* still avoiding you?
Me: I don't think he's really avoiding me really.
Jorge: That comment. At lunch. "You're lucky you don't have classes with her"?
Me: Uhh...
Carrie: (while listening to music) He told me that he doesn't like you as a friend anymore.
Me: I knew that.
Carrie: As a friend.
Me: Oh god.
So there it is. The thing that ruined my day: the reality that not only is my ex a whiner, he also has no respect for me. Carrie told me that I should not care and delete/block him, but I have no idea what I'm gonna do. Firstly, he doesn't talk to me online. What's the point? Should I still make the effort to pull this together or just give up and pretend like he doesn't exist for 4/5 periods? Nah. I'm a talker, it'll never work. This'll just have to work itself out, I guess.
Anyway, re-reporting the irony of yesterday's post Carrie informed me that basically everyone got their periods either monday or yesterday. I'm not alone, lol.
Sorry for the pissy post, guys. I needed to vent.
*Names were changed for protection. Not the sexual kind, the emotional kind. And the fact that I change people's names sometimes. Deal.
Posted by
6:27 PM
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
I'm Still Alive!
Hey! I'm over here!
I haven't done a post since last month. I know, tsk tsk to me. But I haven't had any real reason to post, I think. I am undoubtedly a bad blogger.
Another thing. I think I'm changing the purpose of my blog. I thought in the beginning that maybe I could do commentary on current events, but it turns out that I'm absolutely HORRIBLE at that. :) Kudos to me, man.
So today I'm not at school. Why? Because of horrible, horrible uterine cramps. Which is quite ironic considering that my wonderful gym teacher, Mrs. Newton, expressed to us yesterday (the first day of 2nd semester) that periods will not excuse anyone from class. And in the event that they do, it means lost marks and there is NO way we'll get them back. The issue is that my mother and I both think I may have menorrhagia which is a fancy word for an abnormally heavy and prolonged menstrual period at regular intervals. This is just a google-inspired diagnosis, but there's a possibility there. From what I've read on the wikipedia page, it's pretty serious. We've gotten around to treating it with Advil (my favourite NSAID in the world) and it's seemed to work the last two times, cutting down my periods from lasting somewhere around three weeks to only one. Yay! although i'm pretty sure the fabled 4-6 tablespoons that is deemed normal has already left my body in the span of a day and a quarter.
And that's the story. I doubt I'll be able to tell that to Mrs. Newton especially since I've only been in her class once. I already have a hard time talking to teachers that I know at times. And then this happens. Hopefully my mom will explain my situation for me.
Today I think I'll do some writing. And maybe play some Wii Fit.